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Skiplino Queue Management System


5 Ways Service Scheduler Software Can Optimize Your Time
17 Apr 2024

5 Ways Service Scheduler Software Can Optimize Your Time

We’re going to begin this article with a bold, yet painfully true statement: As a business owner, there is no resource more valuable to you than time. Think about it. [...]

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What is Customer Service? Hint: Business Success Depends On It
6 Feb 2023

What is Customer Service? Hint: Business Success Depends On It

Let’s begin this article with a bold statement. Having great customer service is the most important aspect of running a successful business, regardless of industry. Think about it. When was the last time you received great customer service? How did you feel after you walked out of that establishment? Maybe you purchased a digital product […]

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4 Tips On How To Improve Customer Service For Small Businesses
6 Feb 2023

4 Tips On How To Improve Customer Service For Small Businesses

Did you know that in America alone companies lose $62 billion each year due to lacklustre customer service? Whether you’re running a restaurant or you’re a clothing retailer, every business wants to offer the best customer service possible. But while corporations can afford to spend millions each year on optimizing their customer service efforts, small […]

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How Online Doctor Appointment Scheduling Will Make Happier Patients
6 Feb 2023

How Online Doctor Appointment Scheduling Will Make Happier Patients

Picture this. You’ve been stuck in a waiting room for well over an hour. Packs of frustrated patients flank you on every side, desperately waiting for their name to be called. You’re also fully aware that you’ll likely only see the doctor for less than half the time you’ve been waiting. Sounds awful, doesn’t it? […]

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Scheduling Definition – Traditional vs Digital Appointment Scheduling
6 Feb 2023

Scheduling Definition – Traditional vs Digital Appointment Scheduling

Scheduling is a part of everyone’s life. Whole disciplines exist around time management in the personal and professional world. You don’t have to be a scheduling guru to be all too familiar with the plight of trying to plan around availability on a coworker’s online calendar, or just coordinating when to pick up a friend […]

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How to Improve Customer Experience with An Online Schedule Maker
6 Feb 2023

How to Improve Customer Experience with An Online Schedule Maker

The internet changed everything. From communication to education to work, many aspects of our society rely upon the modern convenience of being connected online. Businesses in every industry have evolved from brick and mortar to establishments with virtual branches. Even waiting isn’t the same as it once was before the internet. In the past, queueing […]

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Visitor Tracking Software – Benefits, Case Studies, and Q&A
6 Feb 2023

Visitor Tracking Software – Benefits, Case Studies, and Q&A

Keeping track of a business is challenging work. You need to stay on top of employees, profits, and management. With that in mind, it’s not surprising that most organizations struggle to maintain a record of visitors. Why does keeping track of visitors matter? Visitor tracking means improved security, better resource management, and more control over […]

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Best Way To Improve Customer Experience: Give Customers Back Their Time
18 May 2016

Best Way To Improve Customer Experience: Give Customers Back Their Time

What do customers hate the most? Not getting any response or attention from service providers. While a service provider cant solve all the problems that exists due to so many external factors, It can only try to be perfect in what it does. However, that doesn’t imply an organization would never have a problem in […]

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How Instant Customer Feedback Can Really Change The Game
24 Apr 2016

How Instant Customer Feedback Can Really Change The Game

Every major problem germinates from a relatively harmless seed. If you can avert the seed, then you can prevent the problem. In most cases, it is not possible to avert every possibility of an error or a cause that will lead to an aggrieved and disappointed customer. While every company should be proactive, it is […]

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