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Skiplino Queue Management System


5 Ways Service Scheduler Software Can Optimize Your Time
17 Apr 2024

5 Ways Service Scheduler Software Can Optimize Your Time

We’re going to begin this article with a bold, yet painfully true statement: As a business owner, there is no resource more valuable to you than time. Think about it. [...]

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Schedule Book – How to Book More Business with Scheduling Software
6 Feb 2023

Schedule Book – How to Book More Business with Scheduling Software

Let’s start with something we can certainly all agree on. Running a successful business leaves you with little to no time to yourself.  Think about it. The onus is on you to ensure your employees have everything they need to succeed in their positions. And if you’re a solopreneur, the stress levels can be even […]

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What is Customer Service? Hint: Business Success Depends On It
6 Feb 2023

What is Customer Service? Hint: Business Success Depends On It

Let’s begin this article with a bold statement. Having great customer service is the most important aspect of running a successful business, regardless of industry. Think about it. When was the last time you received great customer service? How did you feel after you walked out of that establishment? Maybe you purchased a digital product […]

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How Web Schedulers Help Manage Queues For Municipal Service Centres
6 Feb 2023

How Web Schedulers Help Manage Queues For Municipal Service Centres

Queueing isn’t fun. Although it’s not always a nerve-wracking experience, it can be stressful if you’re lining up for something official: applying for an ID, paying off a parking ticket, or simply figuring out your utility bills. There’s an inherent level of anxiety within these experiences that makes people want to avoid them, which will […]

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How Restaurant Scheduling Apps Work & Why You Need One
6 Feb 2023

How Restaurant Scheduling Apps Work & Why You Need One

Next time you decide to eat at a nice restaurant, take a minute to stop and observe the staff. Servers running and taking orders. Kitchen staff trying to keep up with the seemingly endless stream of food tickets printing. Managers attempting to keep some kind of order throughout the dinner time chaos. All for you […]

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Top 6 Spa Scheduling Software – Guaranteed Stress-Free
6 Feb 2023

Top 6 Spa Scheduling Software – Guaranteed Stress-Free

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of spas? Rest. Relaxation. Finally kicking back and enjoying some much needed “me time”. For customers, spas should look like luxurious downtime. But scheduling an appointment is anything but that. Calling in, shuffling calendar obligations, and having to set reminders is a whole suite […]

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7 Things To Consider When Choosing A Schedule Reminder
6 Feb 2023

7 Things To Consider When Choosing A Schedule Reminder

23% of patients will entirely miss their appointments unless they’re given a reminder. It’s a statistic we’ve spoken about several times, but that doesn’t make it any less impactful. Think about it. Medical practices miss out on nearly a quarter of booked appointments simply because they didn’t have a schedule reminder system in place. Now […]

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Top 6 Online Reservation Systems For Restaurants & Cafes
6 Feb 2023

Top 6 Online Reservation Systems For Restaurants & Cafes

Let’s kick this one off with a statement that most of us can agree with: The food service industry has it tough.  From chefs all the way down to servers, stress levels are often very high in restaurants and cafes. Orders need to go out in a timely fashion. Customer expectations need to be managed. […]

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Scheduling Definition – Traditional vs Digital Appointment Scheduling
6 Feb 2023

Scheduling Definition – Traditional vs Digital Appointment Scheduling

Scheduling is a part of everyone’s life. Whole disciplines exist around time management in the personal and professional world. You don’t have to be a scheduling guru to be all too familiar with the plight of trying to plan around availability on a coworker’s online calendar, or just coordinating when to pick up a friend […]

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How to Improve Customer Experience with An Online Schedule Maker
6 Feb 2023

How to Improve Customer Experience with An Online Schedule Maker

The internet changed everything. From communication to education to work, many aspects of our society rely upon the modern convenience of being connected online. Businesses in every industry have evolved from brick and mortar to establishments with virtual branches. Even waiting isn’t the same as it once was before the internet. In the past, queueing […]

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